




What made me want to become a PA was seeing how important their role on a medical team is. I was luckily enough to both work with and shadow PAs in many different specialties, from emergency medicine to orthopedic surgery and intensive care. 我看着他们诊断和治疗疾病, 协助手术, 和护士一起工作, 医生, and patient care technicians to provide great care to patients. 看看PAs是怎么听的, 倡导, and work with patients is really what made me pursue this career. Another big decider for me to pursue PA school is the flexibility that the profession affords. Being able to switch fields and settings and getting to experience many different specialties while having a high level of autonomy in any of them, 对我很有吸引力. The last aspect that cemented me wanting to become a PA is the work-life balance. 我热爱旅行, 运行, 和我的家人和朋友共度时光, and I knew that this path would allow me to keep all those close to me.

为什么UEPA? 或者是什么使UEPA不同于其他PA项目?

What makes UEPA different from other programs is the connection we have with the faculty and the commitment we have to becoming contributing members of a healthcare team. The faculty are incredibly supportive of us and are always available to meet with us individually for anything we need. The program also includes learning and practice with other programs throughout the didactic year. We have supplemental learning with and from CRNA, PT, surgical technology and other students. Being able to work with other health care professionals before entering the workforce is something that will benefit us greatly. The strength and number of clinical rotation sites is something else that made UEPA stand out to me. Our clinical team does an incredible job placing us with high quality providers at top tier facilities.

What do you find is your biggest challenge in being a PA student?

My biggest challenge in being a PA student is believing in myself. 当你学到这么多信息的时候, it's easy to feel like you're behind or struggling when in reality you are doing just fine. 医学是不断发展和增加的复杂性, 但在我的同学和大学教师的支持下, I always know I'm learning everything that I can and getting closer each day to becoming a successful provider.

Did you do anything that really helped you prepare for PA school?

I think the two things that helped me prepare the most for PA school were shadowing in multiple specialties, 看PA YouTube视频. Shadowing is a great way to learn about the profession because you aren't working or being paid to do anything, so you can put 100% of your effort into seeing what it is really like to be a PA.

What is your best advice for anyone working on the CASPA application?

My best advice for anyone working on CASPA is to work on it in chunks. It's overwhelming to look at because of how much goes into it, but just remember that you are giving your life story and telling PA programs why you deserve a spot in their program, 所以你要尽可能地描绘出最好的自己. 不要匆忙完成它, be genuine and take the time to make sure anything that you want programs to know about you is in your application.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could go back and give myself one piece of advice it would be prioritize what you enjoy. 准备, 申请, 在私人助理学校学习也不是一件容易的事, so it is important to have other activities to keep you grounded through it all.

What is the one thing about PA school you weren’t prepared for?

One thing about PA school I wasn't prepared for is the speed. You learn a lot of information in not a lot of time, so don't fall behind!


这并不容易, 但如果你真的想这么做, you find a way to be successful and get done what you need to get done.




每个学期,有时甚至每个星期,都是不同的. A typical day starts with class at 8 or 9 and lasts until anywhere from noon until 4 or 5. Most days have an hour or two of breaks built in which gives plenty of time to eat, 研究, 或者只是闲逛放松一下.


我最喜欢PA学校的部分是实验时间. Labs are much more hands-on and help to show that all of the classroom learning comes together and has practical applications.


My best advice for the interview process is to prepare but don't over-prepare. You want to be ready for any type of question that can be asked, 但总有一天,它会变得过分. 听起来很老套, 只是放松, 做你自己, 向他们展示你为什么适合这个项目. And don't forget to ask any questions you have, as long as it's at the right time.


The best way I have found to balance school and other aspects of my life is with effective planning. You need to designate certain times to do things other than work. It doesn't matter if this is the same time each day or different times, 但是计划学习之外的时间是很重要的.