Martin Winkler

Biology Major and Psychology Minor from the University of Southern Indiana


Hometown: Montgomery, Indiana

What made you want to be a PA?

在高中时,我第一次接触到这个职业,就决定去读私人助理学校. Through shadowing and working alongside PAs in college, I knew that becoming a PA was the right path for me. I admired how PAs use critical thinking, 自治, 协作提供以患者为中心的护理,使其成为医疗团队不可或缺的一部分. 当一名私人助理不仅仅是一份“工作”,而是一份有回报、有成就感的职业,需要终身奉献, 奉献, and passion that makes a true impact on the lives of our patients. 对我来说, 攻读私人学院似乎是一个完美的选择,这是我做过的最好的决定之一.

为什么UEPA? Or what makes UEPA different from other PA programs?

I chose UEPA for a variety of reasons that were important to me. UEPA是一个离家很近的项目,但在培养成功的私人助理方面也有很好的记录. UEPA拥有令人难以置信的教职员工,高毕业率和卓越的PANCE通过率. The program fully invests in their students and allows them not only to succeed, but truly excel and reach their fullest potential. UEPA的课程超越了课堂,将学生培养成为终身学习者,在他们的社区中发挥作用. 这是一个独特而成功的项目,我很自豪能成为UEPA项目的一员.

What do you find is your biggest challenge in being a PA student?

起初,作为一名研究生,我最大的挑战是找到威廉希尔中文网的平衡. 把所有的时间都花在学校而忽视生活的其他方面是很容易的. 另一方面,如果你没有做好充分的准备,在学校也很容易落后. 随着PA学校的发展,你会找到正确的平衡,什么对你个人有效.

Did you do anything that really helped you prepare for PA school?

Previous healthcare experience really helped me prepare for PA school. While working as an ER scribe and outpatient orthopedic scribe, 我能够亲眼看到私人助理如何与患者互动,以及如何与医疗团队的其他成员合作. 我对PAs在医疗系统中的具体角色和属性有了更好的理解, 特征, and skills make for a successful PA.

What is your best advice for anyone working on the CASPA application?

对于从事CASPA申请的人,我最好的建议是尽早开始申请过程. 一个有竞争力的应用程序需要大量的工作时间和对细节的高度关注. 你的申请有很多部分需要完成,也有几个截止日期. By starting the application process early, it gives you time to carefully prepare your application, fully review your application, and meet all the required deadlines.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could give myself one piece of advice, it would be to study a little bit each day during the didactic year. By studying just a few hours per day, 你可以跟上最新的材料,还有时间做学校以外的事情. 此外,你可以帮助避免长时间的学习,这通常会导致过度的压力和倦怠感.

What is the one thing about PA school you weren't prepared for?

I was not fully prepared for the fast pace of PA school. 你每天都要在多节课上学习新主题,很容易落后. 有些日子, 你可能会觉得自己“快要淹死了”,但这是几乎所有学生在某些时候都会经历的一种感觉. 经过几周的学习,你就会习惯这种节奏,并相应地调整你的学习习惯.

How hard is it…really???

私人助理学校有时会令人生畏和充满挑战,但我最好的建议是保持专注,继续相信自己. 我相信PA学校的节奏是最具挑战性的部分,因为你每天都要在多个课程中学习新主题. There will be some long days and tough weeks, 但总的来说,读私人学院是一段非常有益的经历,一路上的挑战只会让你为未来做好更好的准备.

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class has been 12-Lead EKG during the summer semester. 这只是一个为期5周的课程,但这是我感兴趣的东西,真的很喜欢学习. 我对心电图背后的科学以及各种因素如何影响心电图结果很感兴趣. 解读心电图可能相当复杂,需要你结合许多不同的方面,包括病人的当前状况, 实验室值, and comparison with previous EKGs.

What is a typical day like in didactic year?

教学年的典型日子可能会根据你上的课程和你在的实验室而略有不同,但总的来说, the schedule is pretty consistent. Most days begin with class around 8 a.m. 或者9a.m. Most days end around 12 p.m. 或者1p.m. 但我们可能会在下午晚些时候上实验课,这取决于是星期几. 整体, 你大部分时间都在上课,但偶尔会有休息时间,我们用它来吃午饭和额外的学习.

What is your favorite part of PA School?

我在私人助理学校最喜欢的部分就是每天能够上学并学习医学. But if I had to pick something more specific, I would say that I really enjoy the lab sections for our courses. During lab time, 我们获得宝贵的实践经验,通过实践体检和程序技能,由专职教师和以前的学生教授. This is such a great experience and learning opportunity, especially before we begin our clinical year rotations.

What is your best advice for the interview process?

My best advice is to always remain true to yourself during the interview process. 给 honest and open answers and avoid being someone you are not. 永远记住是什么让你与众不同,以及为什么你首先想要攻读私人管理学院. Do not be afraid to highlight your attributes and accomplishments, but also do not be afraid to admit your shortcomings.

How do you balance school and other aspects of your life?

我试着平衡学校和生活的其他方面,每天学习一点,知道自己的极限是什么. 我的目标是在不完全牺牲我生活的其他方面的情况下保持对材料的更新. 我总是确保定期学习休息,以避免压力和倦怠感. 这可能需要一些时间来找到适合你的平衡点,你对平衡的定义可能与你的一些同学不同.