Shabnam Shukrullah

Bachelor of Science in Biology from James Madison University


Hometown: Sterling, Virginia

What made you want to be a PA?

成长的过程中, I was always mesmerized by science and medicine, 但直到大学二年级,我才接触到医师助理这个职业. Upon researching the career, 我立刻就爱上了在医疗领域担任私人助理的角色和职责. As a future PA, 我喜欢探索不同医学专业的灵活性和自由,以及不断学习和丰富我的健康和保健知识的机会.

为什么UEPA? Or what makes UEPA different from other PA programs?

在申请不同的PA项目时,很明显UEPA是独一无二的. Throughout my application process, 我经常惊讶于UEPA教师们快速而周到的沟通. 而不仅仅是被视为成千上万的毕业生申请者中的一员, 他们花时间和精力来了解我,听我的故事. UEPA教师的真诚关怀和和蔼可亲立刻让我感到受到欢迎,并确信该项目对我的教育进行了投资. After beginning my career at UEPA, 教员对学生生活的真诚支持和参与,进一步证实了我对剑桥大学文化的看法. With the challenging nature of PA schools, 我珍惜能够拥有这些真正的师生关系. The University of Evansville is greater than a standard institution; it is a family where you grow and learn together.

What do you find is your biggest challenge in being a PA student?

我最大的挑战是如何在私人学院学习的同时照顾好自己的健康. 许多私立学校的学生习惯于努力学习,取得好成绩,这一点从被私立学校录取的竞争力中可以看出. 然而, unlike undergrad, where you had several exams a semester, 在私人助理学校,有时你会在一周内有几次考试. For those that constantly aim for high scores, this can be extremely stressful, often turning into late nights and early mornings. Balancing between rest and work can be very challenging at times. It can be hard to stop focusing on your grade values, but it’s more important that you value your efforts, 持久性, and dedication. Your biggest focus should be on learning important skills. The rest will follow!

Did you do anything that really helped you prepare for PA school?

I applied to CASPA three times prior to getting accepted to UEPA. 在我的空档年里,我在不同的医疗办公室做过医疗助理. Although each cycle of rejection was upsetting, 现在回想起来,我很感激这些年我获得的所有经历. 我建议在进入私人助理学校之前先动手实践, 所以当你开始的时候,你可以熟悉一些治疗方法和程序技术! It also helps you build confidence, personal skills, and positive habits that will serve you well after PA school.


早点出发! Even if you can’t officially start your application, have a plan in mind and research different programs, so once the application does start, you can put your full attention on the application itself. 此外,在申请截止日期之前就开始准备你的个人陈述. 这种方式, 你可以有足够的时间来获得反馈并进行调整,直到你对自己的提交内容感到自信.


You know more than you think you know! I first heard this from my upper classmates, and it is true! 很多时候,在考试之前,我会非常焦虑,感觉自己什么都不知道. 但 that’s not the case! 私人助理学校是具有挑战性的,但最好的部分是有很多重复! Each semester of PA school prepares you for the next. 最后,你会把所有的零件都装好,所有的东西都会粘在一起!

What is the one thing about PA school you weren't prepared for?

我来到私人学院时就知道这将是一个挑战,所以对我来说没有什么惊喜! 事实上,我以为我会花一整天的时间在课堂上,但事实并非如此! Most semesters we had classes that ended before noon, so we had plenty of time to study outside of class.

How hard is it…really???

The amount of information you will learn will be overwhelming! So, it is challenging! 但, 而在本科阶段,你可能会随机选修一些你不感兴趣的课程, PA学校的课程是相关的,是为你的临床轮转和其他方面做准备的. 我想说,我在私人助理学校的经历很艰难,但很有价值,也很充实. 你会惊讶于每学期你的知识增长了多少, and that has been a very rewarding feeling!

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class so far has been Anatomy. 这是医学的基础知识,为你接下来的课程做准备. 我们的解剖课使用了Anatomage table,里面有虚拟尸体模型, and the best part is we also had access to it after the lab, 所以有足够的时间来学习和熟悉人体!

What is a typical day like in didactic year?

A typical day varies by semester, 但通常我们的课从早上8-9点开始,课间休息,吃点零食或和同学聊天. 有些学期,我们在午餐时间就下课了,这样我们就可以回家休息一下. For the most part, our schedules are not condensed, so there is a lot of time to study outside of class.

What is your favorite part of PA School?

我最喜欢的是UEPA项目为我们计划的所有精彩的活动和事件. Some of my favorite memories are from our field day, student and faculty picnic, 瑜伽, ice cream socials and tie dye after finals! 这个项目确实确保计划活动来帮助学生减压,这是UEPA与其他项目的不同之处!

What is your best advice for the interview process?

You’ve probably heard this before, but just be yourself! UEPA的面试是我经历过的最有趣、最互动的面试! 在你开始面试的那一刻,你意识到老师只是想更好地了解你. 是真实的. 是你!

How do you balance school and other aspects of your life?

Balancing the demands of school, 健康, and life can be difficult, but it’s important for your overall success and mental 健康! 这一切都是关于组织,比如保持待办事项清单,日常时间管理和设置优先级. 为自己制定目标,但如果你需要休息一下,一定要停下来,让自己冷静下来. Your 健康 is the most important priority.